Tuesday 30 August 2011

Child Counselling 
                                                           RUPESH RANJAN

 May be helpful for yου    
Child Counselling 
It can be divided into two areas
             1.  Management for General problems
             2.  Management for Specific problems
         1.  Management for general problems    
·        Enhancement of self esteem
·        Anger management
·        Anxiety management
·        Stress management
·        Tension
·        Time- management
·        Examination related problem
·        Memory related problem
·        Problem solving
·        Decision making
·        Learning problems
·        Performance anxiety
·        Communication problem including problem related to expression.
·        Disciplinary problem
·        Substance dependence
·        Internet dependence
      2. Management for Specific problem              
·        Depression, learning disability, conducts disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, emotional disorders, behavioural disorders etc.
           Procedure for Management                   
 a.To Elicit or diagnose the problem area

  •  Source of information
1.  Academic report, class teacher, student, parents, home environment and peer groups
2.  Individual interview
b. Behavior analysis
c. Psychological testing
d. Case formulation
  Plan for Management
1.  Supportive psychotherapy
v Reassurance
v Ventilation
v Externalizing of Interests
2. Behaviour therapy
v Relaxation JPMR
v Breathing exercise
v Autogenic training
v Social skills Training
v Systematic Desensitization
v Exposure and Response prevention
v Home work assignments
3. Cognitive Therapy